From the 2018 Stewardship Report:
In the Fall of 2018, Paul and Jenny Holland were added onto the team to lead the Youth and Confirmation program. Working with Eugene Dizon, they welcomed 66 young people into the program. This program provides an opportunity for young people to prepare for Confirmation; and, through the Leadership Team also provides for on-going formation in their teenage years. The parish youth are often called upon to help with events, including the Annual Sr. Jeanne Wine & Cheese Fest. The youth raise funds for their programs through participation in Art in the Park and Holiday Lane; and, every year they Adopt-a-Family in collaboration with St. Vincent de Paul Society. The youth group hosts hospitality to benefit the Food Bank and serves a meal at Mountain View Shelter. As a community of faith, they meet every two weeks, serve at Mass together, and gather for retreats throughout the year.
The Faith Formation program led by Andrea Watkins, enrolled one hundred forty-eight students, fifty-six of whom prepared for and received their First Holy Communion. The communicants used the “Blessed” program by Dynamic Catholic, while their parents were engaged in a monthly class in both English and Spanish on the True Presence, a Eucharistic series, made available through the church subscription to “FORMED.” Weekly instruction made use of Gospel Weeklies which are anchored by each Sunday’s Gospel. These attractive lessons provide a liturgical catechesis that connect the Gospel to doctrine using current events, interesting activities, thought-provoking discussion questions, and examples of real young people making a difference in the world. These pamphlets were broken into levels beginning with preschool through eighth grade.
The RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) enjoyed a full class. Mid-year, Pauline Porter assumed the lead facilitator position for the program with the support of many volunteers. The class met every Wednesday evening; and, during the Triduum, participated in all the Liturgical services. At the Easter Vigil, three adults and three children were baptized, two adults came into the Church from other faith traditions, and four adults were confirmed.
IGNITE, the Adult Faith Formation program, provided new opportunities for many to grow in their faith, through Bible study, book clubs, evening events with FORMED; and an Advent retreat for women.
Next year, the parish new direction will be that of the 2019-2020 Sunday All Family Faith Formation Ministry.