May this letter find you well and blessed in the Risen Christ.
As we approach the end of our faith formation year, with sincere gratitude, we thank you all for working hard to provide religious education to our children and youth. As we get ready for next year, we would like to share with you an exciting approach to Faith Formation.
This year of
2019-2020 St. Catherine of Siena Parish will be adopting a new approach of providing faith formation. It is called:
Sunday Family Faith Formation Ministry. This initiative includes preparations for First Holy Eucharist (Communion), First Reconciliation, and Confirmation.
First Holy Communion and Reconciliation preparation will take place over a few months, beginning in the Fall and leading up to the celebration of the Sacrament in Spring.
Confirmation preparation will be a one year-long process beginning in September and ending in June.
What is Sunday Family Faith Formation Ministry?
When we think about religious education or faith formation, for many years our focus was on the children. And rightly so! It is our responsibility as baptized Catholics to raise our children in the faith. It is also our responsibility to continually celebrate with and participate in the community of faith. Furthermore, we are called to learn, renew, and refresh ourselves as adults; to seek those moments when our hearts are turned a bit more in the direction of God so we can be the best possible models of Christian life for our children and community.
If we, as adults, are not celebrating, participating, learning and seeking God, can we expect faith to take root in the hearts of our children? Can we expect them to have God, the Church and Catholic faith for life?
What are some guiding principles?
First, our faith informs us. It is in gathering, encountering, and celebrating the Risen Lord’s Incarnation, Suffering, Death, and Resurrection on the first day of the week (Sunday) that we are transformed and sent into the world to share his Good News as His disciples. Because of this truth, Sunday has always been the Lord’s Day where we come to praise, pray, give thanks, and feast on the Word, the Body, and Blood of our Lord in the Eucharist. Convinced by this truth, we are determined to build a new Sunday Family Faith Formation Ministry which will be a transforming process of lifelong learning and formation in the Catholic faith for our community and families, both children and adults. Therefore, this new ministry will focus on the primacy of the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration (the Holy Mass) because it is the source and summit of our life in Christ.
Second, together as families, children, teens, and adults, are all called to not only participate in the liturgical life of the Church, but also to deeply grow in knowledge of the Catholic teachings.
Third, we will together embrace the study of Scripture and the Christian way of life and moral formation according to the moral teachings of the Church.
Fourth, the Church teaches that both individual and communal (public) prayer are essential elements of how we experience God.
Fifth, the building up of our community and evangelization will happen when we worship, learn, and share the Catholic faith together.
Sixth, by nature we are a missionary community of faith, called to make disciples. Our Lord has commissioned us all to make disciples of all people. It is our Christian responsibility not only to follow Him, but also to bring others to Him.
Sunday Family Faith Formation Ministry: What does it look like?
First and foremost, we come together to worship and celebrate Christ’s Paschal Mysteries in the context of the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration. Therefore, weekend Masses are the heart of our parish life and faith formation. This means that the Sunday Gospel and worship experience are the beginning and the end goal of all parish ministries, meetings, and gatherings. That is, we come to Him first, and after having an encounter with and being fed by Him, we go about our entrusted duties.
Secondly, after the Holy encounter with God in the context of the Holy Mass, communities of intergenerational Catholics are encouraged to experience Christian hospitality in the Parish Hall and then to learn more about the essential teachings of the Catholic faith. We believe that lifelong spiritual and faith formation of adults has also grown in importance in our parish life. Because faith formation of children remains a very important part of our community, our children/teens will learn about the faith with our catechists.
Thirdly, we hope to provide households/families an opportunity and environment to engage in faith formation and prepare for the celebration of Sacraments as a family unit. The more families participate, celebrate, and learn together the Catholic faith, the closer the relationship with God and with each member will become. As a result, the more Christlike the community of faith will become.
Who is involved in Sunday Family Faith Formation Ministry?
We are all involved! We are one community of faith, the one Body of Christ. Whether we are parents with children attending public school or attending Catholic school, married, single, empty nesters, retired, or working, we are all called to be active participants in the Sunday Mass. We are lifelong learners in the Catholic faith, and people who welcome Christ into our hearts and homes.
Liturgical ministries, Stewardship, Hospitality, Ignite, and Faith Formation will work together to achieve one mission: To facilitate an amazing experience of encountering the Lord in both worshiping during the Holy Mass and learning about the Catholic faith.
How would Sunday Family Faith Formation Ministry be implemented?
Below is the outline of the structure for Sunday Family Faith Formation Ministry. This includes both regular faith formation for children from preschool to 8th grade and confirmation from 9th to 11th grade.
Suggested format (Changes possible)
Part I. Faith Formation (preschool to 8th grade)
8:30 Parents and children are expected to celebrate the 8:30 Holy Mass
9:30ish Hospitality
Parents are invited to hospitality, presentation, and sharing in the Hall
Children are sent immediately after the Holy Mass to the Hall with their parents and later dismissed to the classrooms.
10:45ish Parents and children gather in the Hall for dismissal
Part II. Confirmation (9th to 11th grade)
11:00 Parents and children are expected to celebrate the 11:00 Holy Mass
12:00ish All are invited to Hospitality in the Hall
12:30ish Presentation (both) presentation and Sharing for Parents in the Hall
Confirmation candidates are dismissed to have presentation and sharing in the Parish Office/or in the School with leaders.
1:45ish Dismissal
Part III. Youth Ministry (For all youth who have received confirmation)
This is in progress. We hope to build an active youth ministry where our students who already received the Sacrament of Confirmation will continue their journey of faith and stay actively connected with the community.
Please note that family and parish-wide events will be added to the curriculum. In this way, adults will find opportunities to get involved in learning more Catholic teachings. There will be retreats, small groups, and faith sharing on Scripture available. The current curriculum for elementary and youth Sunday Family Faith Formation will be enhanced with more family-oriented materials and resources.
We believe this change will wonderfully impact our community. Nonetheless, we understand you might have some concerns and questions. Please contact us:
Mrs. Andrea Watkins @
[email protected] for children faith formation, First communion and Reconciliation or
Mr. & Mrs. Paul and Jenny Holland @
[email protected] for Confirmation and Youth Ministry.
Fr Anthony Le Parochial Administrator
Mrs. Andrea Watkins Director of Religious Education
Mr. & Mrs. Paul and Jenny Holland Confirmation/Youth Coordinators
Mrs. Cindy Buscaglia and Ignite & Discipleship Team
Mrs. Debbie Pelizzari and Hospitality Team
Dn. Albert Dizon and Liturgy Committee