This year’s theme, Rebuild My Church, was the message Jesus Christ spoke to St. Francis. At first, Francis took the assignment literally, physically restoring the abandoned chapel at San Damiano. Later, he came to understand His mission in a more spiritual sense: to return the Church to the radical simplicity of the Gospel, the spirit of poverty, and the image of Christ in the poor. Soon other people joined Francis in his life of poverty, dedicating their lives to the teachings of Christ and by doing so, “Rebuilding Christ’s Church.”
The mission is to build up Christ’s Church in the Diocese of Oakland by focusing on three pillars: the Sunday Mass experience; practicing spiritual and corporal works of mercy; and helping people become missionary disciples.
For most of us, our experience of Church is at our parish. The Church is, however, much more than that. We are all called in mission to serve the Church and its people through our parish, our diocese and universally.
The Annual Bishop’s Appeal in the Diocese of Oakland is but one way to serve our fellow parishioners and the broader community as we demonstrate our unity as Catholics of the Diocese of Oakland. We are asked to pray for our fellow parishioners, our clergy and leadership, for those who are served by the many ministries and programs offered by the Church, and for the success of the 2019 Bishop’s Appeal.
While parishes rely on the financial support of parishioners through weekly offertory collections, the diocese also relies on these same parishioners to make possible the many services it provides to thousands of individuals each year. The Bishop’s Appeal supplies annual funding to many ministries which provide services throughout the Diocese of Oakland.
Your Generosity in Action
Read the brochure in English or Espanol
The Bishop’s Appeal provides funds to offset some of the following expenses:
• Parishes and Schools in Need
• Pastoral Ministries and Services
• Clergy Formation and Retirement
• Religious Education and Formation